Teaching & Service


I served as a graduate teaching assistant for the following courses:

  • Wave Motion and Quantum Mechanics, Penn State, Fall 2018
  • Fluids and Thermal Physics, Penn State, Fall 2018
  • Mechanics and Intro Physics Laboratory, Penn State, Summer 2018
  • Mechanics, Penn State, Spring 2018
  • Introductory Physics, Penn State, Fall 2017

In the spring of 2018, I was awarded the Graduate Teaching Assistant Award by the Department of Physics at Penn State for ‘teaching excellence in physics,’ based on feedback from hundreds of students. You can read some of the student comments here.


I have mentored several undergraduate students and guided their research projects over the past four years:

  • Yichen (Sophie) Li, MIT, UROP, Fall 2024-present
  • Amelie A. Chan, MIT, UROP, Fall 2024-present
  • Taohan Lin, MIT, UROP, Fall 2024-present
  • Eric Wang, MIT, UROP, Fall 2024-present
  • Luke Huang, MIT, UROP, Fall 2024-present
  • Oriol Mayne i Comas, MIT, Erasmus Intern, Fall 2024-present
  • Raafat Salib, MIT, UROP, Spring 2024-present
  • Shrish Choudhary, MIT, UROP, Spring 2024-present
  • Manxi (Maggie) Shi, MIT, UROP, Fall 2023-present (Project: Confinement of light in three dimensions without photonic bandgaps – to appear)
  • Kyle Linn, Penn State, REU, Summer 2022 (Project: Reentrant delocalization transition in photonic quasicrystals)
  • Megan Goh, Amherst College, REU, Summer 2022 (Project: Hofstadter butterfly and topological states in photonic crystals – to appear)
  • Alison Weiss, Amherst College, REU, Summer 2020 and 2021 (Project: Searching for Fermi-arcs in woodpile photonic crystals)


I frequently serve as a referee for the following physics and photonics journals:

  • APS: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review Research
  • Nature Publishing Group: Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Communications Physics
  • AAAS: Science Advances
  • Optica: Optica, Photonics Research, Optics Express
  • Wiley: Advanced Optical Materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews
  • AIP: APL Photonics, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics
  • Oxford: National Science Review

I also serve as an external reviewer for user proposals submitted to the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) at Sandia National Laboratories.