Here is a list of resources, software, and useful websites. All credits go to the original authors.
Computational electromagnetics packages
MPB (MIT Photonic Bands): Plane-wave expansion method for photonic crystal band structures
MEEP: Finite-different time domain implementation
Legume: Guided mode expansion method (GME) for photonic crystal slabs
Optics simulation tools (browser based)
Optical multilayer spectrum calculator (includes material dispersion)
Character tables for point groups
Space group diagrams and tables
Bilbao crystallographic server
Interactive/visual learning resources
AI/ML (browser based)
KANvas: Explore Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
Physics and math
Waves and oscillations demos (Penn State)
An interactive introduction to Fourier transforms
Understanding lasers and fiber optics (a short MIT OCW course)
Video demonstrations in lasers and optics (MIT OCW)