
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.


KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
Ziming Liu, Yixuan Wang, Sachin Vaidya, Fabian Ruehle, James Halverson, Marin Soljačić, Thomas Y. Hou, Max Tegmark
arXiv:2404.19756 (2024) - Scientific American article, Quanta Magazine article

* denotes equal contribution

Journal Publications

Prevalence of two-dimensional photonic topology
Ali Ghorashi, Sachin Vaidya, Mikael Rechtsman, Wladimir Benalcazar, Marin Soljačić and Thomas Christensen
Physical Review Letters (2024)

Weyl points on non-orientable manifolds
André Grossi e Fonseca*, Sachin Vaidya*, Thomas Christensen, Mikael C. Rechtsman, Taylor L. Hughes and Marin Soljačić
Physical Review Letters (2024)

Direct observation of Landau levels in silicon photonic crystals
Maria Barsukova*, Fabien Grisé*, Zeyu Zhang*, Sachin Vaidya, Jonathan Guglielmon, Michael I. Weinstein, Li He, Bo Zhen, Randall McEntaffer and Mikael C. Rechtsman
Nature Photonics (2024) - Penn State news, News & Views

Response to polarization and weak topology in Chern insulators
Sachin Vaidya, Mikael C. Rechtsman and Wladimir A. Benalcazar
Physical Review Letters (2024)

Reentrant delocalization transition in one-dimensional photonic quasicrystals
Sachin Vaidya*, Christina Jörg*, Kyle Linn, Megan Goh and Mikael C. Rechtsman
Physical Review Research (2023)

Topological phases of photonic crystals under crystalline symmetries
Sachin Vaidya, Ali Ghorashi, Thomas Christensen, Mikael C. Rechtsman and Wladimir A. Benalcazar
Physical Review B (2023)

Observation of Quadratic (Charge-2) Weyl Point Splitting in Near-Infrared Photonic Crystals
Christina Jörg*, Sachin Vaidya*, Jiho Noh, Alexander Cerjan, Shyam Augustine, Georg von Freymann and Mikael C. Rechtsman
Laser & Photonics Reviews (2022) - Featured on the cover

Observation of Bound States in the Continuum Embedded in Symmetry Bandgaps
Alexander Cerjan*, Christina Jörg*, Sachin Vaidya, Shyam Augustine, Wladimir A. Benalcazar, Chia Wei Hsu, Georg von Freymann and Mikael C. Rechtsman
Science Advances (2021)

Topological photonics in 3D micro-printed systems
Julian Schulz, Sachin Vaidya and Christina Jörg
APL Photonics (2021) - Editor’s Pick

Point-Defect-Localized Bound States in the Continuum in Photonic Crystals and Structured Fibers
Sachin Vaidya, Wladimir A. Benalcazar, Alexander Cerjan and Mikael C. Rechtsman
Physical Review Letters (2021)

Observation of a Charge-2 Photonic Weyl Point in the Infrared
Sachin Vaidya*, Jiho Noh*, Alexander Cerjan, Christina, Jörg, Georg von Freymann and Mikael C. Rechtsman
Physical Review Letters (2020) - Editors’ Suggestion, Press

* denotes equal contribution